WAEC 2024/2025 Result Checker Portal is where all the categories of the examination would be checked and there are guidelines to check which would be outlined on this page. WAEC Result Checker is the portal where all the results would be checked upon its release hence the reason why we would also talk about the release date here
WAEC Examination is categorized into two namely: WAEC for School Candidates and WAEC for External Candidates which is also known as the GCE examination.
Both examinations have the format and instructions hence the reason why we write different articles on them. The same procedures used to check the school result can also be used to check the GCE Examination so take proper note of the procedures outlined on this page.
How To Check WAEC Results (School Candidates/Private Candidates)
The results would be checked via the online result checker portal which we would outline here. Below are the steps or procedures to check the West African Examination Council(WAEC) Result once it has been released or published online:

- Visit the result checker portal https://www.waecdirect.org/
- Select the examination year or the year you sat for the examination
- Select the examination type
- Input your serial number and pin
- Click on submit after following these procedures
NECO Result Checker
JAMB Result Checker
Is It Possible To Check WAEC 2024/2025 Result For Free?
This question has been asked by many people and it’s important to provide an answer before the next result is released. It is possible to check your result for free however, this option is only available for school candidates and not private candidates. All school candidates would be given a WAEC ID Card which would contain a serial number and pin.
The details on the WAEC ID Card would be used to check the result and note that there is a limit to which you can use the details to check. After you have used it up, you would have to purchase the scratch card via the procedures below.
How Do I Purchase WAEC 2024 Result Checker Pin?
The pin can be purchased online from the Remitta platform for the sum of N3,000 and once your payment is confirmed, you would be given a pin and serial number that would be used to check the result. Follow the procedures below to purchase or obtain the pin:
- Visit the Pin purchasing portal https://login.remita.net/remita/onepage/WAEC/biller.spa
- Input your name, email, and phone number
- Solve the Captcha and click on the Submit button
- You would be redirected to a payment page immediately
- After making payment, the pin would be sent to your email address
There are other outlets where you can purchase the result checker pin so don’t be limited by Remitta as it’s just one of those approved outlets to get the pin. The names of approved outlets are available on the WAEC Result Checker portal.
What Is The Latest Update On The WAEC 2024 Result?
The 2024 examination is yet to commence however, once it commences, our readers will be updated immediately via our website also, the guidelines to check the result will also be updated.
If you have any question that you feel was not answered by this article, please drop them in the comment section below and we would provide an answer immediately.
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i am abdullahi
Ibrahim Ibrahim