
WAEC TimeTable For the 2023 May/June Examination Is Out

Are you among those who would be sitting for the 2023 WAEC examination? If yes, then note that the WAEC Timetable for the 2023 May/June Examination is out now.

SEED is pleased to inform all its readers that the West African Examination Council[WAEC] Examination timetable for the May/June 2023 examination has been released and the PDF version is also available for those who want to download. The West African Examination Council has announced the commencement date for the examination and we are going to provide details here on both the starting date and deadline.

The examination is going to commence on May 8, 2023, and end on June 23, 2023. When viewing the timetable, take note of the date, duration, and time for the paper as this would aid you prepare well for the examination.

WAEC Result Checker

Has The WAEC 2023 Timetable Been Released?

Yes, the timetable has been published online for the 2023 examination. We did not add some details in the one below so try and download the PDF file once you’re done reading this article.

WAEC 2023 TimeTable For May/June Examination

Below are the pictures for the upcoming West African Examination Council Examination. You can download each picture as you would need them.

Monday, 8th May 2023

Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) Planning Session-09:30 am. – 10:30 am[1 hour]
Home Management 3 (Practical) Planning Session- 11:00 am. – 12:00 noon[1 hour]

Tuesday, 9th May 2023
SC6093 Woodwork 3 (Practical)3hrs 09:30 am. – 12:30 pm. (1st Set)
SC6093 Woodwork 3 (Practical)3hrs 1:00 pm. – 4:00 pm. (2nd Set)
Wednesday, 10th May 2023

SC6182 Computer Studies 2 (Essay) 1hr- 09:30 am. – 10:30 am.
SC6181 Computer Studies 1 (Objective)**1hr- 10:30 am. – 11:30 am.
Thursday, 11th May 2023
SC6073 Metalwork 3 (Practical) 3hrs 10mins 09:30 am. – 12:40 pm. (1st Set)
SC6073 Metalwork 3 (Practical) 3hrs10mins 1:00 pm. – 4:10 pm. (2nd Set)

Friday, 12th May 2023
SC4012 Further Mathematics/Mathematics (Elective) 2 (Essay) 2hrs 30mins 09:30 am. – 12:00 noon.
SC4011 Further Mathematics/Mathematics (Elective) 1 (Objective) 1hr 30mins 3:00 pm. – 4:30 pm.

Monday, 15th May 2023 To Friday, 9th June ,2023
SC3013 Arabic 3 (Oral) 15mins Date and time for each paper will be arranged by the Council.
SC3043 French 3 (Oral) 40mins Date and time for each paper will be arranged by the Council.
SC5113/A Physical Education 3(Performance Test) 2hrs Date and time for each paper will be arranged by the Council.
SC7013 Clothing and Textiles 3 (Practical) 2hrs 30mins Date and time for each paper will be arranged by the Council.
SC7023 Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical) 3hrs Date and time for each paper will be arranged by the Council.
SC7033 Home Management 3 (Practical) 3hrs Date and time for each paper will be arranged by the Council.
SC7054 Music 3B (Performance Test) 30mins Date and time for each paper will be arranged by the Council.

Monday, 15th May 2023

SC5083 Health Education /Health Science 3 (Alternative to Practical Work) 1hr 45mins 09:30 am. – 11:15 am.
SC6012 Applied Electricity 2 (Essay)1hr 12:00 noon. – 1:00 pm.
SC6011 Applied Electricity 1 (Objective) 1hr 1:00 pm. – 2:00 pm
SC6142 Basic Electricity 2 (Essay) 1hr 12:00 noon. – 1:00 pm.
SC6141 Basic Electricity 1 (Objective)1hr 1:00 pm. – 2:00 pm
SC3012 Arabic 2 (Essay) 2hrs 2:00 pm. – 4:00 pm.
SC3011 Arabic 1 (Objective) 50 mins 4:00 pm. – 4:50 pm.


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